It is true, often buskers are fourth world members- but to assume that all street-playing-hooligans are
without a home is absurd and ignorant.
But lets face it- everyone from Neil Young to your drunk neighbor to your average church goer has busked. It isn't about the money, it's about the freedom.
Yes, busking is looked down on. I myself busk often, as do my friends- and there is certainly no lack of uncomfortable, ignorant people filled to the brim with complaints. But, busking is also an action of passion and protest; protest against what you hate, by doing something you love. The Arkells, along with many other well-known bands and amateur musicians have assisted the non-profit organization War Child. War child is a charity dedicated to helping the children effected by war- pretty self explanitory... But come on! Any 'hater' has to give buskers props for that!
Truthfully, busking is linked to anything it can be; charity, events, festivals. It's also been around forever- it's not a new concept! People need to get used to it...
Some people may look at this man and think he is some lunatic sitting on the street with a guitar; I think he is a passionate person expressing himself, completely content with it. He meets new people and tells his story. If you can't see that he is completely sane, well I think you may need to rethink your own life...
The title of this video is completely fitting; "don't judge a busker by his guitar- or his dirty finger nails". Most people just look at us as dirty vagrants in rags, and whether or not that is true- there is always more to a person than their appearance. Everyone has a story to tell, so let them tell it.
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